White Feminism and historical erasure.

You know how there are those moments when you learn about events or people , and you’re like “I was not taught this, ever”. Have you ever wondered why that is? To some, the answer may seem obvious, because Like most things in this country, whiteness has been painted over revolutionary movements. like feminism, in order to feed an incredibly racist agenda, despite its’ call for equality and equity. That’s not to say that white women and others who fought and have been fighting against gender based oppression were useless or not worth talking about. But they are all we talk about. At least that’s what most curriculums focus on when it comes to womens’ suffrage.  Nowadays I think many parts of the world are doing a bit better with recognizing historical women/people of color who weren’t acknowledged before, but we’ve still got a long way to go, even in progressive enclaves.  Furthermore, we also must teach and learn about the racism that first wave feminism perpetuated, and how it has transcended Women’s Suffrage. Though there are so many BlPOC women/people who have contributed to feminism as a movement, I’ve made this video on a couple of good starter figures on your journey into the histories behind progressive movements.



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